Here are some INI commands that can help your game FPS and the overall graphics in ARK ASA.
Normal Cave Colour // Normal ini
r.MaterialQualityLevel 1 | r.VolumetricCloud 0 | r.ShadowQuality 0 | r.VolumetricFog 0 | r.SkyAtmosphere 1 | r.Water.SingleLayer.Reflection 0 | r.Water.SingleLayer 0 | show InstancedGrass | r.grass.DensityQualityLevel 0 | Grass.enable 0 | wp.Runtime.HLOD 0 | r.PostProcessing.DisableMaterials 1 | ark.MaxActiveDestroyedMeshGeoCollectionCount 0 | r.fog 0 | r.AOQuality 0 | sg.PostProcessQuality 0 | sg.EffectsQuality 0 | r.ReflectionEnvironment 0 | r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixing 0 | grass.sizescale 0 | sg.globalilluminationquality 2
Grey Colour in cave // Better for fps
r.MaterialQualityLevel 1 | r.VolumetricCloud 0 | r.ShadowQuality 0 | r.VolumetricFog 0 | r.SkyAtmosphere 1 | r.Water.SingleLayer.Reflection 0 | r.Water.SingleLayer 0 | show InstancedGrass | r.grass.DensityQualityLevel 0 | Grass.enable 0 | wp.Runtime.HLOD 0 | r.PostProcessing.DisableMaterials 1 | ark.MaxActiveDestroyedMeshGeoCollectionCount 0 | r.fog 0 | r.AOQuality 0 | sg.PostProcessQuality 0 | sg.EffectsQuality 0 | r.ReflectionEnvironment 0 | r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixing 0 | grass.sizescale 0 | sg.globalilluminationquality 1
Metal / Obsidian farm // Turn on in pearl cave
R.materialqualitylevel 0 | r.VolumetricCloud 0 | r.ShadowQuality 0 | r.VolumetricFog 0 | r.SkyAtmosphere 1 | r.Water.SingleLayer.Reflection 0 | r.Water.SingleLayer 0 | show InstancedGrass | r.grass.DensityQualityLevel 0 | Grass.enable 0 | wp.Runtime.HLOD 0 | r.PostProcessing.DisableMaterials 1 | ark.MaxActiveDestroyedMeshGeoCollectionCount 0 | r.fog 0 | r.AOQuality 0 | sg.PostProcessQuality 0 | sg.EffectsQuality 0 | r.ReflectionEnvironment 0 | r.ReflectionEnvironmentLightmapMixing 0 | grass.sizescale 0 | sg.globalilluminationquality 2
If you have other INI Commands that you are using and want to share please feel free to comment bellow and we will add them to the list.